Order Management

What type of orders can be placed through Arabeya Online?

  • Normal Orders: there are 3 types of normal orders: BUY, SELL and SELL T+0.
  • Smart Orders: there are 2 types of smart orders: ORDER CANCELS ORDER and IF DONE ORDER.
  • Stop Loss Orders: there are 2 types of stop loss orders: SELL STOP LOSS and BUY STOP LIMIT.

What type of prices can orders be placed at?

There are two types of prices:
  • Market Price, which guarantees execution at the prevailing price in the market when the order reaches the EGX (The Egyptian Exchange).
  • Specific Price, which the client determines.

Are there any time limits on orders?

There are 3 variations of time validity:
  • GOOD TILL DATE (for a number of days)

What steps do I need to follow when using the T+0 feature?

  • The stock must be one of the allowed stocks for same day trading.
  • When buying, you choose BUY.
  • When selling, you choose SELL SAME DAY.
  • The number of stocks sold cannot exceed the allowable quantity.

How can I make sure that my order is correct?

Two different messages will appear while placing the order:
  • First – Are you sure you want to place the order?
  • Second –Order Number (xxxx), Buy or Sell (xxxx), Number of Stocks (xxxx), Stock Name (xxxx) and Expiry Date (xxxx).

May I change or cancel a pending order?

Yes. As long as the order is pending it can be changed or cancelled, but you can only change the price and quantity, not the expiry date (time validity).

Does changing an order affect its sequence in the queue?

Yes. If an order is changed it takes a new sequence.

Can I see all the orders placed on my account?

Yes. You can do this via the “All Orders” screen, which shows all the activity on your account, such as pending orders, executed orders, partially executed orders, expired orders and cancelled orders.

Can I see all my executed orders?

Yes, Via the Executed Orders screen.

Does Buying or Selling immediately affect my cash?

Yes, The cost or proceeds of trading are instantly reflected in the cash balance of your account.

How long does it take an order to reach the stock market?

It takes less than 5 seconds with a proper ADSL connection.

Can I buy stocks in US Dollars without having any in my account?

No, you can only buy with the same currency you have in your account.

Will I be able to invest in IPOs (Initial Public Offerings)?

  • Yes. Arabeya Online provides this service to its clients for a commission of 0.5% with a minimum commission of EGP 20 and a maximum of EGP 500.
  • When the company has access to an IPO, it will send an email to clients containing all the relevant information, such as due date, entitlement, last date for accepting requests to the company , IPO percentage, last date for accepting requests at the Bank, payment deadline and (indicative) stock price.
  • If you want to subscribe to the offer, you have to fill in the form available on our website or contact your account officer by email or telephone (16225), specifying the number of shares you would like. Taking into consideration that the money should be available in your account in the required date.